From Stuck to Stellar

Free 40 minute video training

Are you a woman over 40 who’s tired of the hustle? You know, the endless to-do lists, the feeling like you’re constantly chasing your tail, the nagging suspicion that there’s a better way to live and achieve your dreams?

Or maybe you are just feeling stuck? Is there is some area of your life that has not turned out as you had dreamed or hoped or planned?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then this workshop is for you.

I am offering this INTRODUCTORY SESSION to give you a taste of what it is like to be a part of a support circle! Together we will harness our collective feminine energy!

From Stuck to Stellar is a transformative goal-setting experience designed to help you ditch the hustle and step into a state of flow, ease, and abundance.

You’ll learn to:

Set powerful intentions that align with your deepest desires. Craft strategic plans that leverage your strengths and passions. Develop a mindset of abundance and attract what you truly want. Break free from hustle culture and cultivate a life of flow and ease.

Who is this workshop for?

*The busy woman who’s tired of feeling burnt out. *The ambitious woman who wants to achieve her goals without sacrificing her well-being. *The woman who craves a life of purpose, passion, and flow.

What problems will you solve?

Feeling overwhelmed and stuck in a cycle of doing. Struggling to set clear and actionable goals. Experiencing self-doubt and limiting beliefs. Burning out on the hamster wheel of hustle culture.

What results can you expect?

*Clarity on your deepest desires and intentions. *A strategic plan for achieving your 2024 goals. *A shift in mindset from scarcity to abundance. *Reduced stress and increased feelings of peace and joy. *A life that feels aligned, purposeful, and in flow.

This is more than just a goal-setting workshop. It’s a journey of transformation. It’s about reclaiming your power, aligning with your authentic self, and creating a life that feels truly magnificent.In this session, I will share my step-by-step process for designing and evaluating life with an eye on finding the joy and expanding into the person I was always meant to be!

Leave with the 6-step process to expand, level up or pivot any area of your life at any time!

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